Running. It's a mental thing. A stress reliever. A way to get lost in thought. My love for running began in middle school after watching my sister...let's just call her all the time. As I got older, I realized that running was my outlet. Stressed? Run. Upset? Run. Seriously worried? Run. Extremely excited? Run. Happiest news ever? Run it out! While I ran track in high school, I decided to start going on long runs in my neighborhood that may as well be its own city. I quickly learned that running is an impossible task unless I have my sidekick: my iPod with my nike chip.
I need music. Fast music. Music that makes my heart smile. Alongside that music is a tiny little chip that tells me everything I need to know about my run. Calories burnt, distance run, mile pace...the list goes on. It even lets me choose a power song! When I feel myself getting a little tired and I know I don't want to stop, I press the center button, and on comes my power song. It's a little embarrassing, but that power song is Footloose by Kenny Loggins.
This morning, with my running accessories at my side, I managed to go 6.5 miles without thinking about anything. It.was.fabulous. Had my little chip not been plugged in, I would have never known how far I ran. I then came to this conclusion: I run more than I walk.
Happy Running!
I LOVE your blog.
ME, TOO!!!