
Treats and Snoozin'

I feel as though it's only appropriate to share this little morsel of fun after what has happened in Casa Nido this weekend.  There has been constant laughter to make up for time we don't get to spend together.  Marcel has provided us with a lot of entertainment as we have been quoting it ALL THE TIME.  My day was made about a week ago when Nina sent the new video to me.  I don't want anyone to be deprived...so here it is!!

Treats and snoozin', snoozin' and treats.



The Countdown

Almost three months ago, to the day, was my last post...sad sad day.  A special someone, *cough* Molly *cough*, has been bugging me every day, even multiple times a day! I've run into so many bloggable things lately and have been so sad that I don't post them.  So I figured, what better day to blog than the day that marks two months until Christmas! I can already smell Casa Nido at Christmastime.  I can see the red lights on the tree.  I can hear the jingle bells and the sound of Santa's laugh.  Ohh the bliss.

Because it's October 25th, it's only appropriate to share something that is so jolly and is sure to put a smile on your face.  Sweet little Em Seng and I watch these videos continuously throughout the year and even more at Christmas.

*Because he gets in your house, and you can't hear a sound, and he doesn't leave fingerprints..ding ding!*


Tiny Humans

This is a little gem that I'm copying from Emily's blog.  It is one of the most precious things I've seen in awhile...and it also happens to go along with the simple things in life.
Actual Children’s Answers to The Question “What Is Love?”
“Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs.” - Chrissy, age 6 
“Love is what makes you smile when you’re tired.” - Terri, age 4
“Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK.” - Danny, age 7
“Love is when you kiss all the time. Then when you get tired of kissing, you still want to be together and you talk more. My Mommy and Daddy are like that. They look gross when they kiss.” - Emily, age 8
“Love is what’s in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen.” - Bobby, age 7
“If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate,” - Nikka, age 6
“Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday.” - Noelle, age 7
“Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well.” - Tommy, age 6
“During my piano recital, I was on a stage and I was scared. I looked at all the people watching me and saw my daddy waving and smiling. He was the only one doing that. I wasn’t scared anymore.” - Cindy, age 8
“My mommy loves me more than anybody. You don’t see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night.” - Clare, age 6
“Love is when Mommy gives Daddy the best piece of chicken.” - Elaine, age 5
“Love is when Mommy sees Daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is handsomer than Brad Pitt.” - Chris, age 7
“Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day.” - Mary Ann, age 4
“I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones.” - Lauren, age 4
“When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn’t bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That’s love.” - Rebecca, age 8
“When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you.” - Karen, age 7
“You really shouldn’t say ‘I love you’ unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget.” - Jessica, age 8



Happy Birthday, Andi!!!!

To my middle lovie and one of the two best sisters in the world: I hope you have the most wonderful birthdays in the history of 24th birthdays!  

She even shares a birthday with Chris Harrison!!! For that, I hope she gets a whole bunch of birthday roses.



A few days ago, we shared a wonderful night with some friends who have been around since I was a wee little baby.  Of the many conversations of the night, my favorite topic was this: enjoying the simple things in life.  We all spend too much time looking for things that will stick out in our minds more than others.  Because we spend the time looking for life-changing events, we can easily miss out on the simple things in life that add up to a whole bunch of wonderful.

It was a collective decision that night that the simple thing that made the day wonderful was sitting on the candle-lit deck for hours just talking about life and all things wonderful.  I've always known that it's important to look for the positive, but I'm going to make it an extra important point.

Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference- Winston Churchill


Ocean Spray

A few weeks ago, the Nido clan...minus the middle lovie ( insert sad face here) ...took a little vacation to Kiawah Island.  Not only is it a beach, but it's a little slice of heaven.  Our days consisted of sitting on the beach for hours on end, riding bikes all over the island, and laughing uncontrollably at the dinner table.  There was even a day trip to Charleston where we walked through the market, visited Fort Sumter to "touch the Civil War" (as Emily said), and trekked across the city just to enjoy a cupcake.
This week flew by faster than any of us could have ever imagined.  There was sibling time, best friend time, family time, and even some Bentley time.  Monday night was Bachelorette night, but we were too busy enjoying shrimp and grits at Shem Creek Bar & Grill to make it home in time to watch Bentley's return.  We waited until Tuesday night in anticipation to watch it online...but Nina found it on demand and did a little jig we like to call the Bentley dance.  Yes, she danced.  

The best part of the week was that Andi, in theory, was with us!  She had absolutely no idea that any of this was going on.  Before we left, I took some pictures to Kinko's to crop and enlarge.  The only part that was cropped and enlarged was her head.  We brought Andi with sunglasses (Andi at the beach) and we brought Andi without sunglasses (Andi out on the town).  Although we got some funny looks from passers-by, the whole venture was worth it.  
This was the most perfect week any of us could have asked for.  I wish I could just rewind and go back right now to relive the greatest week of the summer. So I leave you with this....
peace. love. and all things Kiki



Another One?

Today is Susie Q's birthday!!

Happy Birthday, Mom!!



My First Ever...

What is this? I have a bracket? I never thought this day would come.  Nina found the best bracket I think I've ever seen.... The Bachelorette Bracket! It may not seem like a big deal to most and some might even have the audacity to say that it doesn't take any thought.  
That is a lie.  It takes a great deal of thought, dutiful watching, and quite a bit of analyzing.  Bracketing makes watching so much more fun and it's also very satisfying when Ashley asks my guys if they will accept the roses.  Watching The Bachelorette is not something that can be done alone...it's actually kind of sad. Trust me, I've done it before.  I like to make side comments about how awful the guys are, how great they are, how dumb everyone involved can be, etc.  The best thing is when there are guys present while it's on because they give the BEST commentary (mainly my dad... MFN).  He's just so snarky and acidic towards it all and we can't do anything but laugh.  

I can't reveal how my bracket is set up, but I will say that I have done very well so far.  JP is absolutely precious and Ryan P. is as cute as they come.  She has a winemaker, a dentist, a guy who wears a mask (he's got my heart...not), a lawyer...she has all ends of the spectrum!!  This includes the biggest tool I've ever seen in my entire life, Bentley.  What a winner.  "I'm going to make Ashley cry...I hope my hair looks okay." Who says that?? Bentley. Tool status.

I can't wait to see how the season plays out...and how correct my bracket is! Although I will admit that my favorite part of the show is when Chris Harrison comes into the rose ceremony and says "Gentlemen, Ashley, this is the final rose this evening."  Thank you, Chris. Seeing you is like having an old friend over.  

Happy Bracketing!



So there are going to be some birthday messages coming in the next few posts...I hope that's not a problem.  If it is, well, it better not be.  With that being said...
Happy Birthday, Michael!!!!!
Michael is the definition of a champ. 
The reason why: he survived a year of college with me! 
Actually, this could easily be reversed.  I also survived a year with him!  He is quite a tool at times.  Would I have it any other way? Absolutely not.  We go all the way back to being ten years old. Yes. Ten. That's tiny town. We've had so many adventures together.  We've stolen candy out of the classroom closet.  We've sat down to study together, only to write on each other's Facebook walls and banter back and forth.  We've been stuck on a bus for 16 hours both ways to Louisiana for the greatest mission trip.  
we were so little. and apparently very sleepy.
Goodness gracious. This isn't even where the fun really begins.  Let me just say that this little gentleman is quite possibly the greatest wedding date.  Oh! and our cookie decorating skills happen to be the bomb.com.  By the way, our texting banters are worthy of stand-up comedy.

Michael never fails to provide a reason for me to laugh.  Many of those laughing spells have come while we're sitting in church..but I'm sure God understands.  Michael has pushed me into pools and pushed me down the hill in snow.  Oh wait. There's more. He has also taken some beautiful pictures of me (by beautiful I mean disgusting) at our annual youth group fast...around the 29 hour mark.  I am also a firm believer that he loves my family more than me.  But I guess that's okay, considering everyone (and I mean everyone) treats him as part of the family...they don't yell "TEAM MICHAEL!" for nothing...

Regardless, Michael is my best friend and I am so blessed to have him in my life.  I just hope he's prepared for another few years of being on the same campus as me! Wahoo!!!

Happy birthday, Mikey! I can't wait for you to see what EmSeng and I have conjured up for you!


Guess What??

It's Kelly's birthday!!!!! 

Who is Kelly? Goodness gracious..what kind of question is that?  Kelly is the girl I met in Mrs. Gordon's second grade class, she is the girl I kept in touch with even though our lives were so crazy, she is the girl who I can call all hours of the day with any emotion..and vice versa, she is the girl who I am blessed to call my roommate, my best friend, my sister.  Kelly is the one who I get to spend endless amounts with when we are snowed in and watching the squalls outside.  This cabin fever resorted to coloring ornaments and feverishly decorating our room in celebration of the greatest season (Christmas..wahoo!!) with lights, a few trees, and our respective advent calendars.  We may or may not have watched an entire season of 24 in a week.  We love each other regardless of the day, time, and place.  Kelly is the person I can count on to have spontaneous dance parties with at midnight when studying has become too much of a burden.  We sing and we dance to our hearts' content (no matter how loud or obnoxious we can be).  
pre-ASU days. as in...YEARS before.
It's only the end of May and I am already looking forward to the year ahead when our room will be decorated ten times better than it was this year (although it was adorable).  We also may have some surprises in store for our friends....hmmm.  Kelly would kill me if I said a word, so I am sworn to roommate secrecy.  There is one thing I will say: she is one of the funniest people on this planet and the best part is that she doesn't know it.  She just says things that are so quotable.  Sometimes I look at her and laugh...in a good way!
Sometimes we decide to look nice. We even put on spiffy gold nametags (just incase we forget each other).
Words can't even begin to describe the greatness that is our friendship.  So Kelly, I leave you with this.... Happy Birthday to my sweet angel of a roommate and life long friend.  We will always and forever be WINNING and bi-WINNING as long as we have each other.
Yep, our friendship. We climb mountains together.  Sometimes I even let her borrow my shirt!



Who in their right mind would put 44 complete strangers on a charter bus and tell them to travel across the state?  Well...someone did just that and created a family.  The Bus 5 family as we call it.  Everyone came from literally all over the state, different colleges, different families.  The funny thing is that it took this trip for some of us to realize we live ten minutes away from each other.  In just six short days, all 500 of the North Carolina Teaching Fellows traveled from the middle of the state, to the coast, to the mountains, and then back home in 11 different buses.  We visited schools, ooh-ed and ahh-ed over the students and teachers, and some of us even found potential job locations.  Every day, each bus had a chance to do something 'fun.'  On day one, my bus 5 family and I traveled to a Waterfowl Park.  Yes, we ran with the birds.  Later that evening, every person possible piled into the nearest Krispy Kreme where we consumed and unnatural amount of doughnuts and burned off the calories with a flash mob in the parking lot.  We even went to a wellness center.  I wonder how awkward the sweaty individuals felt about having a bunch of college students walking around in business attire watching them....

This was by far one of the best weeks and I could not have asked for a better experience.  We truly did become a family and miss each other so much.  I'm already counting down the days until we are reunited.  Not only did we all have a chance to bond with our bus families, but many of us had a chance to get to know other fellows really well.  We will always and forever be known as LIVE LIVE! FIVE FIVE! and I am forever grateful.

I see you, 5!


Hey there, Gramps!

To take a little break from studying, a few of my sweet friends and I decided to visit the Grandfather.

I love being able to say that I go to school here.
Grandfather Mountain....what else would it be? We had the best time just being friends, talking, laughing, and occasionally singing (on my part, atleast).  Although there were a few near death experiences.  Just kidding! It was a wonderful day and the perfect break from all-day library sessions.

Next time you're in Boone, take a trip to visit Grandfather...maybe even a swing on the Mile High Swinging Bridge!

Happy hiking! But please, don't fall off the mountain.


Hippity Hoppity

Today is quite possibly the greatest day of the year and everything about it makes me smile.  Every morning when my alarm goes off and I dread getting out of bed, I pause and think.."Who do I love?" I then proceed to get out of my cloud of a bed and live every day for Him because of what He did for me.

I think of my best friend, Emily, every time the question of who I love goes through my head.  I just smile and laugh because of all the things we've done together that require us to answer that question...
Let God Arise - Chris Tomlin.

And so I leave you with this....Happy Easter!


Rule #1

Procrastination.  The key to a successful life......well...maybe.
I was looking through some pictures and stumbled upon this little picture
and just smiled.  This is the officially rule #1 and the way of life.


Can I Borrow That?

I could not be more excited to see this...one of my most favorite books made into a movie.  In my opinion, books are always better than the movie.  But I have a feeling that this is going to be a good one...
Not only will this be a fabulous movie, but I just discovered that I'll be able to share it with a lovie! 
Watch out Chick-fil-a ice dreams and Regal Cinemas...we're comin' for ya on May 6th!!


Shoulda Coulda Woulda

Jon McLaughlin has to be one of the most talented people on the face of this planet.  Anyone who can pound on the piano, make it sound wonderful, and sing at the same time is talented in my book.  He also just so happens to put on the most AMAZING concert...ever.  My sweet sisters and I took a road trip to Wake Forest to see him and it was the greatest life decision. As I recall, that was the weekend of concerts and it goes as follows:

September 10, 2009: Andi and I saw Jason Mraz (after an attempt to see 
him in July at the Music Factory when it was rained out and postponed...)
September 11, 2009: Lovie road trip to Wake Forest to bask in the presence
of Dave Barnes and Jon McLaughlin...both in one night. 

Jon was in Charlotte at the Evening Muse and quickly made his way to Chicago just this week.  If the Nido girls were smart, we would all live within a normal distance from each other and be able to see all of our favorite men.  Alas, we had to do our best at pretending we were together and listening to the glorious sounds of Jon. So this is what I did....


Genius Status

Who in the world would think of putting a bunch of people together to create a music video? Yep. That's rights. Sara Bareilles.  I won't even try to deny the fact that I wish I was her.  She is pure genius.  She writes her own music, plays her own piano.  Fabulous.  Uncharted has always been my favorite song on her album, but I love it even more now.
Is that even possible? Indeed it is. 
Not only is she so wonderful, but she has so many friends.  Let's see...Ben Folds, Josh Groban, Pharell, Jennifer Nettles, Vanessa Carlton, Ingrid Michaelson, Adam Levine, Tegan and Sara, Ryan Tedder, and the list goes on...

Jump start my kaleidoscope heart.


Fit for a Princess

Happy 26th birthday to Princess Nina!!!!
Sweet lovie Nina, I hope you have had a most wonderful birthday full of love, good things, and pixie dust. Love you more than you know!



When speaking in terms of music, my favorite day of the week is Tuesday.  In my world, Tuesday means FREE DOWNLOADS ON iTUNES!!!!  I love adding to my music library and meeting new artists.  I've met so many wonderful people through the freebies.  Among them is James Morrison, Citizen Cope, and Francesca Battistelli.  Sometimes, the artists aren't new, but iTunes enjoys sharing new music from people who i LOVE.  At Christmas, the free download was Dave Barnes, Christmas Tonight.  Enough said right there.  It's only ever a sad day when I'm not a fan of the songs.  Screamo? Ew. Not a fan.

My new favorite feature are the playlists compiled of songs that only cost 69 cents! Serious bargain and I love it!  I found one and immediately fell in love.  Unpredictable by Francesca Battistelli.  It's all about how God's ways are so unpredictable and we have absolute zero power in changing what he does with our lives.

can't wrap my mind around You
can't put You in a box
can't keep You safely contained
You're gonna move the way
You wanna move today
just let me follow along.


Love Letter

This is what happens when a professor tells me to creatively reflect on a concert that I've been to:

Dear Dave Barnes,
What I am about to tell you may sound a little odd, but it's Nothing Fancy and it's definitely not a Little Lie.  Thank you for coming to my Home to serenade so many people with your sweet voice.  Sometimes your music is exactly What I Need to hear during my days of work and stress.  Until You, I didn't know that playing and writing music could Look So Easy.  Your lyrics are so uplifting and soothing, and your voice can change a Good World Gone Bad completely.  God Gave Me You and your music for so many reasons and I am so thankful.

I know that sometimes What We Want Isn't What We Get, but just Meet Me at the Mistletoe and I'll be a happy girl.  However, you are already Someone's Somebody.  Either way I Have and Always Will love you.  So go ahead and keep making All That Noise with your guitar and that voice of yours.  Just let me know how many Miles to Go and I'll be there.

Love Always,


Life is Precious

Today, I was reminded of how precious life is.  The scariest thing is that it can be taken away in an instant and without any particular cause.  A great person who has touched so many lives left us today to be in a better place.  Many of us were able to reconnect and share our thoughts about our dear friend today.  We can laugh about the stories and remember the fun times we had with him.  However, he was taken away from us much much much too soon.  It is safe to say that Patrick is now one of my guardian angels and that is such a blessing.

   little things to remember
say i.love.you
live responsibly.
go with your gut.
be thankful.
never drink and drive.
and always, always, always wear a seatbelt.

Life is precious. Cherish it.  Here's to Sam and Patrick, two of the best guardian angels a girl could have.  

Something tells me that those two are having a grand old time in Heaven....


Well Hello, Mr. Radin

Joshua Radin. That's about all it takes. 2 words.

                Word #1: Joshua.
                Word #2: Radin.

      ......and my heart is melted.

He is quite possibly one of the greatest men to have ever been introduced to my ears.


Lovie Love and Snail Mail

Surprises...they're so serendipitous!!!  One of the biggest surprises was waiting for me at Casa Nido and put a huge smile on my face.  It was a little package from the cornfields of Illinois from a house with "moore" love than imaginable.  Of the many inside jokes that constantly run between the lovies, this package contained some of the funniest ones.

The ingredients to a package of some serious sister love:
  • A chocolate bunny to munch on while watching Nick Lachey's Behind the Music special on VH1.  However, this can only be done while sitting next to a lovie while tearing up because of the pain in Nick's eyes at the thought of losing Jessica...
  • A piece of lint tied to a string. His name is Allan.  In honor of Marcel, whose biggest regret in life is that she can't have a dog.
  • A lentil to use as a hat.
  • A card from Ninny to Natty.  In a real lovie package, this card must have cut-outs from a magazine that form the words on the front.  Kind of like the poster-size ones that sit in the back of our closets with pictures of the boy bands...accentuating JC Chasez and Justin Timberlake.
I couldn't open this package without a straight face, and that in itself made my day.  I've never laughed so hard by myself.  Thank you, Ninny, for my package of Lovie Love!!!

While I'm on a package kick, I have to thank the other third of the Nido package for never failing to provide me with music.  The newest addition to my iTunes library... The Script's Science & Faith.  It's nothing short of fabulous.  Personal favorite, Walk Away, ft. B.o.B. Download it. Buy it. Enjoy it.

Most importantly, always savor the chocolate bunny.


The Mantra of the Week

To accompany this statement is another philosophy that I have chosen to live by: 
God has three answers: yes, no, and not right now. Ninety percent of the time, a 'no' is a 'not right now.'

I personally think that this is so true.  He's holding our hand every step of the way, no matter what the circumstances are.


It's All About Love

It's that time of year again!!! Happy heart day! Happy day of love! Happy Valentine's day!!!  
Valentine's Day reminds me of wonderful time spent with family and friends.  I am a firm believer that love should be spread on a daily basis, but there is just a special feeling about this day.  While I was able to enjoy the absolutely beautiful weather in the mountains, I was also able to think of the many many things in the world that I love.  And the running list continues:

I love: Beautiful 60 degree weather in the middle of February, being able to run outside in shorts and a t-shirt, having the best sisters in the world and the most supportive parents, being a part of the LT family, my brothers and sisters in the LT family, getting an A on that first test, knowing that God has great things planned, having friends who are behind me 100%, reminiscing on the past and smiling about it, knowing that I was able to help someone, making someone laugh, laughing to the point of tears and stomach aches, knowing that I am drowning in God's grace....

Not only have I been able to enjoy this wonderful day, but I was able to end it with a most wonderful conversation with a beautiful sister-friend, Abby, who is so near and dear to my heart.  Abby's relation to the Nido family is unlike any other, but we wouldn't have it any other way!  There are so many memories to look back on and just laugh about, and I am beyond thankful for that.
Here's to all things wonderful and being part of the best sisterhood.


Lovin' Each Day

If you can't tell, I love music.  It gets me through my day, makes me smile, and always gives me that extra "pick me up" if I need it.  I love discovering new artists just as much as I love re-discovering old ones.  I've found myself picking up random CDs that I find laying around and uploading them to my ever-growing musical library.  Naming the songs is a whole other story.  Typing the lyrics into google, finding the album artwork, and wait, what album was that song on?  Sheesh. It's a daunting task.  However, it's all worth it when a song comes on and you remember EVERY single word like it was just yesterday that you last listened to it.  This was the case for this song...Lovin' Each Day by Ronan Keating.  This song was played at the end of Summer Catch, an oldie but a goodie with the always gorgeous Freddie Prinze Jr.  It's such an upbeat song that will turn any bad day into a good one.  The lyrics are so true:
 "We're lovin' each day as if it's our last, dancin' all night and havin' a blast."
How can you not love that quote?  It's wonderful and makes me want to dance, sing, dance, and dance some more!

Happy dancing!


Muchas Gracias

While I was running this morning, I was listening to a certain little song that always makes me smile: Sweet Serendipity by Lee DeWyze.  As a result, my mind began wandering every where of things that I am thankful for in my life.  I have so much to be thankful for that I don't even know where to start.  Many of these things are big, but many of them are also the little things in life.  There are so many little things that can add up to happiness, no matter how small or insignificant they seem.

Here's a few...or maybe more...to begin my list of the little things in life that make me happy:
being a Nido girl. having the best family in the world. laughing uncontrollably. smiling. my bed, aka, a cloud. running shoes. music. music. music. dave barnes. jon mclaughlin. *NSYNC (yes, I said it). t-shirts. freshly washed jeans. sharpie pens. winks. sunshine after a cloudy day. friends who have become sisters. an organized room. chapstick. ponytails. coffee. coffee mugs. a good hair day. cheesy tv shows. a text from an unexpected person. the ability to speak another language. an inspirational teacher. a good book. an uplifting story on the news. hope. memories. old pictures. a compliment from a stranger. piano. sheet music. piano solos at the beginning of a song. waking up with a smile. a great conversation. quoting a movie. singing in the shower. fruit. quotes. glasses. motivating lyrics.
The list goes on...and will resume later.
Until then, think happy thoughts and know that something's watching over you like sweet serendipity.



Today, I got a phone call from one of my most favorite people in this entire world.  Sadly enough, I am on the mountain while she is on the hill.  Our time apart makes our time together that much more special and is the reason why there are a few tears shed every time we are lucky enough to see each other at home.  On a happy note,  she finally got the package of love I sent her!!  I discovered the art of the Shutterfly book and compiled all of our memories.

This post is dedicated to my best friend, Emily.  We have been through so much together over the years and I would not be who I am today without her. She is not only my best friend, but my sister, my co-teacher, my fellow Dave Barnes lover, my partner in crime, my little Gilly, and also happens to be the girl who made me jump 25 ft. into a river.  In a nutshell, I love her.  

Thank you, Em, for being such a big part of my life. I love you, sister!!


Love the Glove

Let's be real, I'm smitten' with the mitten.  I love the glove.  Actually, all the lovies love the glove.  Especially now because one of us is actually stuck in that particular snow globe while the other two of us are in our own respective tundras.  We were all born in the mitten state, but ended up being Southern transplants.

Today, I wear this shirt for a few reasons. 1. It was given to me by a lovie.  2.  It is dark and gray outside, and I feel like I might as well be in Michigan.  3. I miss my lovies and this shirt just makes me smile and think of them.

Don't forget to Love the Glove today!


The Power of a Chip

Running.  It's a mental thing.  A stress reliever.  A way to get lost in thought.  My love for running began in middle school after watching my sister...let's just call her legs...run all the time.  As I got older, I realized that running was my outlet.  Stressed? Run. Upset? Run. Seriously worried? Run. Extremely excited? Run. Happiest news ever? Run it out!  While I ran track in high school, I decided to start going on long runs in my neighborhood that may as well be its own city.  I quickly learned that running is an impossible task unless I have my sidekick: my iPod with my nike chip. 

I need music.  Fast music.  Music that makes my heart smile.  Alongside that music is a tiny little chip that tells me everything I need to know about my run.  Calories burnt, distance run, mile pace...the list goes on. It even lets me choose a power song! When I feel myself getting a little tired and I know I don't want to stop, I press the center button, and on comes my power song.  It's a little embarrassing, but that power song is Footloose by Kenny Loggins.

This morning, with my running accessories at my side, I managed to go 6.5 miles without thinking about anything.  It.was.fabulous.  Had my little chip not been plugged in, I would have never known how far I ran.  I then came to this conclusion: I run more than I walk.

Happy Running!


Making Whoopie

Yes. While I was home for a month with nothing to do besides spend and savor endless amounts of time with the best friends and family a girl could have, I had time to make whoopie. Seriously, I made the best batch of whoopie.  Well, pies that is.

Whoopie Pies are simply clouds of perfection that melt in your mouth and are my new favorite dessert to whip up.  The kitchen is where all the magic happens at Casa Nido and where I've learned about my passion for cooking and baking.  On Christmas morning, I opened up a package that had a whoopie pie pan and a whoopie pie cookbook.  I felt like a little kid who was ready to play with the toy that moment it was taken out of the bag. The cookbook has so many different mixes and matches of pies and fillings.  Limoncello, S'more, Nutella, Fluffernutter, Strawberry Shortcake. You name it, it's in there.  The sky is the limit when concocting these little puffs of goodness.  I decided to go simple on my first batch: Lemon with a marshmallow filling.  They were nothing short of delicious.  My family loved them and as usual, Andi was my taste tester.  My next batch was made for a girl's night full of laughter, smiles, and cheerful chitter chatter about life and all things wonderful.  These ones were chocolate pies with the marshmallow filling and were even more perfect than the first go-round.  

Next time you're trying to think of something fun and different to make, think whoopie.  You don't necessarily need the pan either.  A cookie sheet will do just the trick.  The perk to having a pan is that you get the perfect shape, for the perfect bite, for the perfect morsel of goodness.

Have fun making whoopie!


Grace Explains It All

After giving it much thought, I have decided to enter the wonderful world of blogging.  Many thanks for the inspiration can be directed to my sweet sister, Nina.  I love reading her blog and check it daily with high hopes that a new post will pop up only to put a great big smile on my face.

In the words of Crystal, I'm diving in and making my own space.  A space to share moments of gumption, serendipity, and of course, grace.  Every day, I try to find something that has made me smile and be thankful for God's grace.  Today, that thought was of the snow days my sisters and I spent when we were all home together.  Watching the snow fall on the mountains today put that smile on my face and made me think of those days when we were so excited to have a day off from school and our mom would make us a special breakfast.  Not only does that memory make me smile, but any memory that includes the three Nido girls tends to have that affect.  Andi and Nina are not only my sisters, but they are my best friends and will be mentioned often in posts to come.

"If grace is an ocean, we're all sinking"